[2012-07-19] Update: Please see Damien Cassou’s comment describing his emacs snapshot PPA moving forward.
After reading several good things about emacs 24, I decided to give it a shot. A little googling led me to Damien Cassou’s emacs snapshot PPA. Simply ran the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cassou/emacs sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot emacs-snapshot
Everything works great so far, specifically email in mew, chatting with jabber.el, my org files, and org2blog/wp. Played with the built-in ELPA package manager a little, and I really thing it will be nice to avoid manual package management.
Haven’t decided if/how often I’ll update my snapshot. Maybe until emacs 24 comes out in the Canonical packages? But then will I want to stay on the bleeding edge? Thoughts/suggestions/experiences?
It works for me. Thanks!
Thank you very much sir, it worked perfectly for me 🙂
In Kubuntu 12.04 I’m getting this error when I call emacs via emacs-snapshot from the command line.
LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: watch_submenu: assertion `GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL(menu)’ failed
@Dave: Without knowing anything else, per a couple launchpad bugs 1 2 that message is “overly loud” and might not be the true cause of the problem. I do see messages like:
Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to load type module: (null)
undefined symbol: menu_proxy_module_load
but emacs seems to run fine for me.
Thank you very mush sir. I am excited about running Emacs 24 in Ubuntu 12.04. Unity is much improved and it is so snappy with only 2 GB RAM in Virtualbox.
I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 and Emacs 24. Both work fine.
My PPA now has both emacs24 and emacs-snapshot:
– emacs24 will be updated only when I change the build process or when new emacs24 are realeased
– emacs-snapshot are updated between once a week or once every two weeks on average.
Thank you for the update, and of course for providing this PPA!
Thanks it works fine any tutorials or tips?
I added the ppa and ran “apt-get update”.
apt-get can’t find “emacs24”, but it can find “emacs-snapshot”.
You could try the instructions at the PPA page for getting a clean install:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install
$ sudo apt-get purge emacs-snapshot-common emacs-snapshot-bin-common emacs-snapshot emacs-snapshot-el emacs-snapshot-gtk emacs23 emacs23-bin-common emacs23-common emacs23-el emacs23-nox emacs23-lucid auctex emacs24 emacs24-bin-common emacs24-common emacs24-common-non-dfsg
I managed to install it (GNU Emacs and it works fine except the emacsclient won’t lock to the Ubuntu unity launcher. Whenever I reopen a new script or program file with emacs, another emacs client or “thumb-nail” appears on the unity bar.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Alright I just fixed it. The directions to the solution is shown in the link. http://askubuntu.com/questions/41539/how-can-i-make-running-emacsclient-from-the-unity-launcher-reuse-an-existing-ema?rq=1
Thanks for building it the traditional way.
I hate that my 10+ years of emacs color configuration was broken since Ubuntu 12.04 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs23/+bug/1078116), and nobody cares to fix it.